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porno seks lezbiyen i live in mersin, I’m 48 years old now, I’m 185 height 95 kg.this incident I’m going to tell happened 2 years ago. i had just separated from my wife.i was searching the Internet.i met a girl from adana and we hit it off in a short time.we started chatting on the phone, we were talking about everything. and we decided to meet the next day. i got ready in the evening and went to adana. i waited outside his house.I’ve never seen him before.I said I was an ugly person when we were talking on the phone.her name was Ayla and she was a teacher. while I was waiting with my car, I saw her coming from behind, she was a long blonde, an athletic girl with great lips and eyes. she had an incredible beauty. his body was like a stone.we exchanged greetings and he got into my car and we immediately got together. I bought a chocolate bar from oil for this. he liked it very much and we sat in a cafe .we started chatting ,she had broken up with her husband.I was also separated from my wife, but I wasn’t divorced. The escort said that she was very glad when she saw that I was not ugly, my job had become easier now. we had a chat that night and we broke up. a week later, he invited me to his house.i wanted what I wanted, I was going to fuck her.i went to his house in the evening, we had ice cream, and we started chatting.

suddenly he dropped himself into my lap. i started kissing and stroking his neck, and the room started stroking my dick. the arrow came out of the bow and we started kissing, she had hard lips, I like fleshy lips and kissing a lot.sitting next to each other she got up, we went into the bedroom and started undressing, she had a wonderful skin like milk, white skin provokes me. and a little later, his magnificent body was in front of me and I couldn’t take my eyes off it. and suddenly he took my cock in his mouth and started sucking it, it was a perfect feeling, it drove me I was pressing her head down and sticking my cock up her throat, and a little later I burst into her mouth, she swallowed all my sperm, and I put her to bed, started from her lips, kissed her neck and ears, started moaning, and I landed on her pussy, her pussy had lips like a line, she was clean and smelled good.i licked my hair, it started watering, he was stroking my head, pressing. and a little later, he came moaning, I sucked the waters of his pussy, and we watched 69 porn, my dick got up again, we were licking each other. and when I realized that her pussy was ready, I moved between her legs, and after rubbing my dick a little, I started inserting her head, her pussy was very tight, I spat my dick out, threw her legs on my shoulder, and I managed to get her head into it, she started moaning, ohhhh, there was a deep sound, and when I suddenly loaded, they all Decamped into her. she started crying, screaming and crying, is her pussy so tight? he was squeezing my dick like a vice, and I started pumping, and after a while the room got used to it, and it started to enjoy. after she started fucking in that way, she jerked and ejaculated, her pussy was soaked, I kept pumping, and after fucking for 20 to 25 minutes, I ejaculated into her pussy and watered her with my fertilizers.

i fell on top of him and we started kissing. my dick started moving again a little later. and I turned him over and started licking his ass, not at first, he said I wouldn’t do anything from there, he got pleasure as I licked, I was sticking my tongue in, and I started to stick money in, it was too tight. my pram was getting in hard, but I put it in my head that I was going to fuck that ass, and I went to the shop, got oil, lubricated my dick, lubricated his ass hole with my finger, and I started rubbing my dick against his ass hole, and a little later his head entered and he started screaming, please get out, and I shook his hips, honey, it won’t pass after a little, I won’t hurt, I said calm down, and I started doing it slowly back and forth, but it was too tight, my dick would break, squeezing my dick like a vice, fifteen minutes passed, and I was slowly slowly getting out, and I didn’t let go, honey, it won’t pass, it won’t hurt, I said calm down, but it was too tight, my dick would break, squeezing my dick like a vice, fifteen minutes passed, and I was when I put them all in, there was a scream, the whole apartment must have heard it. then he waited on his ass for a minute or two. I started moving slowly and started was an amazing pleasure. I’ve never fucked such a tight ass and a bumpy pussy in my life. She started enjoying it when she got out of the room. After 25 minutes, she ejaculated twice, so I emptied my cum into her. i fucked her twice out of her pussy three times that day. then my wife and I made up, but she said she wanted me again and said not to let another third get in the way. Dec. my wife had seizures because she was a nurse. I was taking a breath next to the moon, it made me happy. I later separated from my wife. i was liberated. I’m waiting for ladies who want to make instagram address is stcnz i’m waiting


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