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highest honor in college

üniversitedeki en büyük onur Hello Lovers of wonderful Sex stories, today I will tell you how I lost my virginity.I am currently studying in my senior year of University. My boyfriend and I are making marriage plans. I also fully experience the sexuality I knew in high school years now. I did my middle and high school education as a boarder. I was spending that summer vacation on our farm. My difference compared to the previous years was that my body had developed and I had discovered some sensitive points. My hands had been wandering around my body involuntarily at night. On the farm, my animals were waiting for their mating time, I was wanted to watch this. And as I watched, my brain was literally going numb, I was burning up for a while. And lately, I’ve been literally finding myself standing and standing in a haystack. I was Decently fondling myself between the stalk and the straw. I was very impressed by what the dogs on the street did in front of me that day. I threw myself into a haystack like a robot. At this time, I heard strange noises coming from the barn next door. I curiously stuck my head through the door December. Haydar, who worked on the farm and was called crazy by everyone, was lying on the ground. He was just naked and masturbating. After a while, he noticed me because of a sound I made and turned to me. He was surprised. His cock was standing straight in front of me with all its majesty. When he got past the surprise, he covered his dick with his hands. She started crying so please don’t tell anyone. And my eyes were on that big dick that he barely covered with his hands. Suddenly, a crazy lightning bolt flashed in my head. I told him that if he did what I said, I wouldn’t tell anyone anything. He was willing to do whatever I was doing. He said come after me and I made my way to the haystack. He was following me with timid steps. When he got into the hayloft, I asked him to undress. My sister was begging me not to do anything. I laid him down and covered his face with stems. I said don’t move until I tell you. When I grabbed his dick, he was startled as if he had been electrocuted. I warned him sternly. He couldn’t move without me telling him. He stopped his voice. I took the cock that adorns my dreams in my hand. It was slowly starting to grow. By the way, I was completely Decked out. I rubbed every part of my body against him to the fullest. I started sitting and rubbing on it like I was riding a horse. I was taking his hands to my hips and breasts and caressing them. I had lost myself now. He too had thrown off his bewilderment and cowardice and become animated. He opened his face and straightened up and began to lick my breasts, sucking with crazy strength. He was sulking my lips by grabbing and pulling at my hair. Then he laid me down and kissed and caressed me all over. I was like going crazy when he licked Dec between my legs with his tongue. When he turned me upside down in this position, I started doing to him what he did to me. A little later, it exploded like a volcano in my mouth. We still hadn’t had enough. Grabbing me by the hair, he brought me down on my knees, kissing my back, cupping my breasts with one hand and stroking my thighs with the other. Then his hand slipped down to search for legs and stroked my wet pussy. Dec. He got behind me. He was holding me tightly by the waist. As I was on my hands and knees, gently trying to escape, he was also pulling quickly from my waist. He started rubbing against my back. He was still pulling my hair. Suddenly I felt a pain. I couldn’t stand it and screamed. And he has wrapped me up well. It was being loaded as it was loaded. I was a woman now. A little later, pleasure had taken the place of pain. I could not repeat this incident again. But I can never forget it.

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