He asked me what happened, and I said I’m enjoying it right now.2 min he did the same movements again.Now sit down on the seat and spread your two legs sideways, I said.When I did what I said, I went between his legs and started stroking his dick with my hand, and now I said I’m going to lick yours.I started licking it, it keeps saying ohhhh.3 minutes after my mouth patladı.Biz at this time, we got so caught up that my brother-in-law came görmemişiz.Biz when we finished, we went to the bathroom, cleaned up and went into the room to put on full clothes so that we could see that my brother-in-law was lying naked on my bed and stroking his dick.Where is he when he sees us have you stayed? dedi.Biz of course, we are still in shock.Enistem is a typical truck driver.He has a slightly potbellied and hairy build.When the dick is a little thick, and it looks like per matar.My brother-in-law said to me while we were still standing at the door, come on, lick my dick, what are you waiting for, hala.Brnde got over the shock a little and went to her, started licking her dick, she still can’t believe her eyes and what she’s going through.My uncle asked what were you doing there while I was taking a blowjob.I said I was showing Kadir how to have sex.
Looking at Kadir, he said, let’s go to the gym, let’s show you how to have sex in a real state.When Kadir was passing through the room, my brother-in-law took me in his arms and told me to fuck you so that the child could see what sex is.When he came into the room, he made me lie face down, separated my hole and started inserting his dick, so my hole narrowed a little because I ate cock before the last virus, I screamed a little Ah.It didn’t take long, the pain already.Kadir was sitting and watching us.My uncle was closing in on me and fucking me, and we were filming the room oh.He told me that you have become my wife now.At that time, I was bringing gas to feed karini.Series by series pumping into me he emptied it and left.Turning to Kadir, you learned how to do sex, he said, come on, try it on.Kadir said ok and closed on me directly like his father, I didn’t feel much pain because his dick was small, the room was empty for 20 minutes, and then we went into the shower, my uncle and I went in first.My uncle fucked one more mail and took a shower, came out, then Kadir came, made the room like that, I washed and left last.
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私は長い間私の心を離れていない女の子についてあなたに話したいです。 私はこの女の子についてほぼ毎日考えています。 私が別のひよことセックスをしているときでさえ、私はこのひよこと彼女の大きなお尻について考えます。 私はちょうどそのお尻を性交することができるようにしたいです。 私はこれのために戦うことができます。 何でも。 よもぎという名前のこの女の子についてお話しましょう。 私は偉大なお尻を持っているペリンという名前の非常に素敵なガールフレンドを持っています,24歳の本当に爆弾のような女の子は彼らの家に私を招待しました,私たちは彼女の部屋に入りました,家には誰もいませんでした,我々はすでに皮膚のようにopusし始めました,私は彼女のお尻を吸っていました,sulking,狂ったように食べます,彼女は私のディックで彼女の手を投げたとき,吸い始めました,私のジッパーを開けました,彼女の膝を立ち往生し、狂ったように吸い始めました,彼女はとても喜んで吸っていたので、私のディックは、彼が出てくるまで彼女の口に入ったことを,それは素晴らしい感じでした,その後、私はコンピュータに彼を曲げました.机と彼の素晴らしいゴスを舐め始めた、彼は私にskinginsのようなものです 彼は震えていました、そしてさあ、私の男は私に叫んで、私はタイトなジーンズに対して私のペニスを置き、それが私たちが両方ともキャンターにいたことを説明することは不可能であることをうめき声でそれを嗅ぎました、私は15または20分間離れることなくそのゴージャスなゴツを犯しました、そして私はそれらのゴージャスなカルカにすべての私の精液を注ぎました、私の精液の暖かさが彼に別の角質と喜びを与えたのを感じました。.
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