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instagram modeli Hello everyone, after the last thing I shared with you, our work life continued to run for a few weeks.Until last night.Yes, as you can see from the title, I will tell you about the shopping trip that my wife and I went on and what happened after.. When I was about to leave my workplace in the afternoon, I saw my wife’s message. Darling, will you try to come home early today, we haven’t been shopping for a long time, and we’ll have dinner outside, and he was saying I need to buy something. I replied, okay, you get ready, you come down when I call, we’ll go down.
anyway, I completed my last tasks and headed home. meanwhile, it was getting to 7 o’clock.and as I approached the house, I called my wife and told her that I was about to come, if she was ready, she could come down.

after a few minutes, I pulled the car to an available place in front of the house and started waiting.I had lit a cigarette when my wife appeared.he had a long coat on and half boots on his feet. when he came and sat in the car, the smell of sweet perfume enveloped the car in an instant. the moment he put his warm kiss on my lips by saying hello honey, I realized once again that I was very much in love with this woman…

when we left, we summarized to each other the things that happened during the day.and then he said let’s have dinner first and then go shopping, okay, so I replied, whatever you want.
we went to a meat restaurant to eat. before sitting down at our table, my wife was taking off her coat, which at that moment I couldn’t take my eyes off her.she was wearing a long tight black skirt from the day we first met. she was wearing a grey blouse that left one shoulder exposed.I glanced at it out of the corner of my eye while sitting in my seat… the blouse was not too tight, even something shabby near the waist. but the fact that he left one shoulder exposed made him look very sexy.her hair was falling over her fair shoulders this time… and on her face, as always, she had decorated with a blush that showed off her dark skin and eye makeup that made her eyes stand out.

when he sat down at our table, a fan noticed that I was watching him and smiled and said that I think my husband liked me today.and I always admire you, I replied, my beautiful wife.
we were ordering our food at the time, and I looked at my wife again. I noticed that when he was talking to someone else, he suddenly became serious.he turned his dull gaze to the waiter and was telling what he wanted.he had a serious expression on his face with his head tilted to the side..but no matter how cold those glances were, they penetrated into every minister, I’m sure…there was really something different about this woman.he had an incredible magic, an incredible charm.she was too cold a woman to approach him, but her gaze and body language were very inviting and very provocative…

while I was watching him, it was my turn and I ordered the things I wanted.
then our meals came, and we spent the whole meal talking about the things that happened during the day zamanı.ve when our meals were over, we paid the bill and got up.. I asked which mall we were going to in the car.let’s go to the room … there are more stores there, and it will be secluded at this hour, he said.i said ok and drove the car towards there. when we came to the mall, it was really secluded, as he said.there were not many people around, both because it was a weekday and because it was late.we also entered the first store that my wife wanted.

this was a place that sold both evening dresses and sports style.i’m going to the men’s department, you look, I left you saying what you want.there were only employees inside besides us.but because it was a stylish and high-quality place, its employees were also carefully selected people.the ladies were dressed both polite and stylish in well-groomed men.when I entered the men’s section, one of the ladies immediately approached me and said hello, he asked if you would like me to, thank you, I’m looking at it, if there’s something I like like that, I’ll ask you for help i walked around like this for about 15 or 20 minutes, but I usually had things in my wardrobe that I liked..I was just about to leave the place with given up hope, when I raised my head and looked towards the opposite part. the other side is the lady I could see my wife from a distance.he had something in his hand and he was telling something to the guy in front of him.

at that time, I started walking towards we approached, something caught my attention.the man was talking to my wife, but my wife was standing very close to the man while he was talking. I was a little closer when I heard my wife laughing and saying that time, he saw me and took a few steps towards me to show me what he had and look at this, my love, how it happened. while I was looking at the man who was taking care of my wife on the one hand, I was looking at the shirt that my wife was showing on the’s nice, I asked my wife if you tried it.there is no room, I haven’t put it on yet, I’ll try it on now, if you’re done, stop here and tell me your opinion, he said, and moved towards the cabinet. when my wife entered the cabin, I looked at the man out of the corner of my eye. he was a tall brunette model-like boy at my age. I don’t know what they were talking about just now, but I was actually uncomfortable with that rapprochement.already, while I was coming to them, my wife suddenly changed the word to me, the shirt in her hand göstermiş he immediately made a move towards me, as the distance between them was very close. Dec.

while I was thinking about these things on the one hand, I was looking around on the other hand, when my wife came out of the cabin.
he was wearing an ice blue thin shirt over it.when you came to me and asked how this was, it didn’t really have much features, but I asked where you were going to wear it anyway.i will wear it at work with my wife, or I don’t have this kind of shirt at all, I said if you like it, take it, but when I looked at my wife like this, my words were half-finished.because the shirt on her was very thin, the black bra inside looked the same as it was.even worse, the shirt was very tight, and the buttons on the front were stretched well and the front was slightly ajar.the bra inside was also visible from the wife, who saw me looking there, this has become narrow, I will buy a big body he said with a smile 🙂

i was telling him you’d better smile, and all of a sudden my wife turned towards that guy who was folding sweaters a little further away.and then, sorry, when I said I want a big size of this, he walked up to half a meter next to the guy in an instant.while the man was looking at the shirt my wife was wearing, I saw that they were looking eye to eye with my wife when I said, okay, I’ll bring you a big size. At that moment, I saw that they were looking eye to eye with my wife.actually, I know that these are normal things under normal circumstances, but I’ve told you observation skills are very developed.the distances between people when they talk, the movements of their eyes when they look Decently, or body language sometimes can’t hide some that moment, I felt the Decoupling between my wife and that man when I was looking at them and it bothered olmuştum.Ve even worse, my wife was acting so relaxed and natural that she never gave me a chance to say anything to her.the guy brought the shirt to my wife and handed it to her, normally people look at what they get when they buy something from someone else, and my wife was just looking into the guy’s eyes at that moment..

I’m sure you understand what I mean better now.
as my wife took the shirt and went to the cabin, the man looked at her hips from behind out of the corner of his eye.and I was sure that my wife knew about it.because every woman never misses a pair of eyes that look at her with pleasure, especially if it’s a pair of eyes that she likes in her woman… while I was watching from afar and looking at them without feeling. and I walked down a little, instinctively deciding to watch a little more of this state of my newly discovered wife.the distance between us has Decoupled back was turned to them.I seemed to be looking at men’s accessories right in front of me.but actually, from the mirror in front of me, I could see very clearly in the cabin where my wife entered, where the man was directly in front of me..

there were full-length mirrors in many places inside the store, and thanks to this, I could see them very clearly with my back facing them.. at this time, my wife came out of the soon as I came out, he looked towards me and said that I had moved away gördü.ve with the shirt he had just bought in his hand, he started walking towards the man, not towards me as you can imagine.when they got to him, they started talking to the man again.on the one hand, he was telling the guy something, on the other hand, the car was turning its head and looking in the direction where I was.
if my wife had it now, no one would say what’s wrong with this case.i am a man of experience who can feel the behavior of a woman who smells of malicious intent here and there, anywhere.

as a matter of fact, subsequent events proved that I was right..after talking for a while longer, my wife turned her head towards me ç at this time, the man was so close that I realized that they were nose to nose the moment he turned his head back to the man.if it had been involuntary at that moment, someone would have definitely backed down.but it didn’t happen that way after looking at each other for a while, I saw my wife step back, looking into the man’s eyes, and he looked at me and then started he approached, I was looking at the bracelets in my hand.when he got a little closer, he called out.oh, look, my husband, I bought this, I have two I also want to look at a skirt for myself.. he was pointing out the models ahead to me to see how do you think these models are.these have just arrived, I like it when you ask if you like this kind of thing, but where are you going to wear it when you say men always have this. if there is a question, if the skirt is either too short or too tight, as you guessed, where will you wear it? sentence rather than if something is beautiful:) if there is a question, the skirt is either too short or too tight:)

she was a very narrow and short model in the things that my wife showed me.. before answering my question where are you going to wear it, he called out to the guy just now to see if I could get his size S.he was very polite in the guy, actually, but he had such a look in my wife’s eyes from time to time that I could Dec Decently understand that he liked my wife very much..he brought the s size of the skirt and handed it to my wife, and just as my wife was about to enter the cabin, stop, not with the boots on my foot, let me buy shoes to try on two of these here, he said to my foot and chose heels and put them aside.


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